Kürzlich mal Radio gehört oder verfolgt, welche Musikvideos auf Facebook rauf und runter geteilt werden? Ein Song der einfach „happy“ macht ist – der Name ist Programm – „Happy“ von Will Pharrell. Ein Trainer der Reiter und Pferde „happy“ macht ist der lizensierte Bent Branderup Trainer Jossy Reynvoet.
Im Frühling 2014 war der sympathische Belgier erstmals zu Gast in Graz. Die Reiterplätze waren rasch ausgebucht. Sein Konzept „Gebisslos, Horsemanship und Akademische Reitkunst“ begeistert und spricht viele Reiter an.
Zur Einstimmung auf den Kurs habe ich Jossy damals zu seinem Konzept und Werdegang befragt:
How did you discover the Academic art of riding by Bent Branderup and why did you choose this way to work with horses?

Fotocredit: Jossy Reynvoet
When I went to Spain (Tarifa) with Pascale in May 2009 we met „Deseado“ (today Deseado is one of Jossy`s horses) in a stable near the beach. They asked me to work with him because he was too dangerous to mount and even to walk next to. Four weeks later he arrived at our home in Belgium. It was a disaster! I could not mount him anymore, he was nervous, anxious and stressed as soon as he felt my legs.
A good friend gave me a DVD of Bent Branderup. We looked at it and were enthusiastic about the information. We found out that Bent Branderup was coming to the Netherlands very soon. On 30/01/2010 we went to our first clinic for the theory. During that first clinic we asked Bent Branderup if we were allowed to work without a bit. And we could. In November 2010 I went for the first time to Denmark as a weekstudent of Bent Branderup. The Academic riding was the missing part in my structure.
It will be your first clinic in Austria. What can you tell the audience to expect?
I will look at all riders individually and from a questionnaire I gave you before because I would like to know what your wishes are and what you would like to work on. The theory will be based on the questions of the riders.
Based on the questionaires I can already reveal that we will work on suppleness, collection, body language, horsemanship, school halt and school walk, ground and lungework! There are many videos on Youtube about your work – especially ground– and lungework. What is the challenge to lunge a horse in shoulder in or quarter in?
You need a very good communication from the ground. The horse must be able to look at you, to concentrate on you. We teach the horses all this from the very beginning. That is why we have a very clear structure named “the movable core program”. On the lunge I prefer working with the shoulders and the hindquarters instead of too much with the head.
You combine Academic art of Riding with horsemanship and bitless art of riding. How would you describe your concept of horsemanship?
Our structure is divided in 6 big chapters.
- Basic groundwork
- Basic riding
The work on communication, concentration and connection:
- Gymnastic groundwork
- Gymnastic riding
The work on suppleness:
- Collected groundwork
- Collected riding
The work on the power behind to carry a rider. My body language on the ground will be the same on my horse. I will use it as my primary aid.
Why did you choose the bitless way for your horses?
As a young boy I played a lot with horses in the forest. Just with a halter and no saddle. From 16 till 30 years I did

Fotocredit: Jossy Reynvoet
jumping but it was a very tough world. I was longing for more connection with my horse. I decided to take out the bit and I have continued that way for 21 years now.
Is there a story about one special horse, or one special training situation you would like to share with us?
At one side I have „Deseado“ who was ridden very roughly in Spain until the age of 12. He was anxious, nervous and he did not trust humans anymore. He had physical problems. You can see his back, it is very hollow. He was mounted very badly. With the daily training he is getting better and better every day. He finds rest in his mind and rest in his body.
On the other side I have „Pasjo“. My young stallion born at our place, in our herd. He is not so talented physically but his mind is beautiful. If you look at him, you can already see a nice built and supple body. He was trained by me right from the beginning with this knowledge.
The movable core is based on two elements: the classical dance and the academic art of riding.
I am very happy about my training system. The horses are happy and I am happy.
Thanks for the interview. Graz is looking forward to your first visit!
Ich freue mich euch bei einem Kurs mit Jossy Reynvoet zu treffen,
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